The Cat is out of the Bag

Well, I just spoke to my brother Anthony and he gave me the go-ahead… so I can announce that he and his girlfriend Kara are officially HAVING A BABY. Woohoo! Congrats, Ant. Now I just have to see if I can find a cheap airline ticket so I can attend the shotgun wedding. 🙂


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  1. Auntie auntie auntie…

  2. Aww! Tell them congratulations! Everybody’s on the baby train. (and I’m letting it pass right by)

  3. WOW- congratulations!

  4. Now here’s a dilemma – he’s tentatively booked the wedding for July 21… THE LAUNCH OF THE LAST HARRY POTTER BOOK.

  5. Wow! Congratulations to you and your family!

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