Knitting Swag

Knitting Swag
I’ve been meaning to post these for a few days, but I kept missing the sun. (And everybody knows it’s best to photograph yarn in natural light, right?) So on the left is my final package from my No-Longer-Secret Pal, and on the right is my haul from this weekend’s Craft Show.

Package from my Secret Pal Booty from Craft Show

The purple and white balls are a slubby Japanese yarn that is probably destined to become a scarf. The hot pink cotton is Manos del Uruguay Stria, and I have no idea what I’m going to do with it other than stare at it and pet it. My Pal suggested I used the black wool to make this felt hat, and I think I will! I’ve never done felting before. She also sent me an AWESOME Hello Kitty thermos cup and a tape measure, a box of lovely incense, some Clover DPNs, and two Japanese craft books (including one devoted entirely to sock animals). Thanks, Chooiwah!

I was pretty restrained at the Craft Show, I think. I restricted myself to sock wool and Knitting on the Road, a book of sock patterns from Nancy Bush. I’ve had Conwy and Whitby queued up on Ravelry for a while, so it’ll be nice to get started on them. The big skeins of yarn are Colinette Jitterbug, which I think everybody bought. I’ve already got too much variegated stuff, so I went for the solids: Velvet Olive, Velvet Damask, and Velvet Plum. The two smaller balls are Lang Jawoll Cotton Superwash, which I’d been interested to try since each ball comes with a small skein of reinforcing thread (for heels and toes) tucked inside. I’ve got a lot of knitting to do!


6 responses to “Knitting Swag”

  1. SlythErin

    How lovely is the Jitterbug? I bought some off eBay for my secret pal, and had a slight yarn accident and ended up with some for me too.

  2. Amy

    I have that Knitting on the Road book, it rocks!

  3. The Jitterbug looks SO MUCH like Koigu, but hey, it’s a LOT less expensive! I’m a fan, and I haven’t even knitted with it yet. 🙂

  4. Ahhh They were out of the Jitterbug in the plain colours by the time I go there. Quick Question – The Velvet Plum you bought is that the same one that they had the vest on display in? That was yummy.

  5. Ooh, not sure. I don’t remember the vest. I seriously had SOCK BLINKERS on to keep from buying anything else. 🙂

  6. Thanks – I will ask the guys at Sarah Durant.

    Or perhaps I should be saying. I don’t need it anyway. I don’t need it anyway.