Citizenship Test

Could you pass the US Citizenship test? I’m pretty pleased with my 90%. The only ones I missed were the naturalization form (which doesn’t apply to me) and the one about voting Amendments. (It’s been awhile since my high school Civics class.) Still, I guess I’m still qualified to call myself a Yank. (Link courtesy of Bex, who is only 55% potential American.)

10 thoughts on “Citizenship Test”

  1. I should add that it’s nothing against Americans. It’s just that… well, they scare me a bit. Present company excepted, of course.

  2. You should probably be most scared of the ones who fail. Those of us who actually know what the Bill of Rights says are the ones least likely to hit other people over the head with it. 🙂

  3. 100%…phew. (Although I took a guess on the immigration form.) Glad them six plus years of gradual schoolin’ were good for something…

  4. 95% (hooray for every local history exhibit/museum I visited on the east coast as a child). However, I think #18. Who has the power to declare war? is a trick question given current foreign policy!

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