What the hell is this? It seems to be a trailer for an untitled movie from J.J. Abrams, the Lost and Alias guy. It’s stunning. It’s weird to see a preview for something without a title.
What the hell is this? It seems to be a trailer for an untitled movie from J.J. Abrams, the Lost and Alias guy. It’s stunning. It’s weird to see a preview for something without a title.
4 responses to “Untitled”
Apparently, it’s for a movie called ‘The Cloverfield’. Looks pretty cool. I wonder if the Blair Witch style camera action carries on for the whole movie?
The online rumor is the movie was filmed entirely with hand-held cam-corders ala “Blair Witch”. Not sure how I feel about that and not sure I could watch two hours of shaking, jumping around footage. On the other hand, you’re right, the trailer was absolutely stunning.
“The Blair Witch Project meets the Godzilla remake.” I half expected the Ghostbusters Marshmallow man to come down the street. I see J.J. Abrams is doing the next Star Trek movie (Lost in Space?)
Hmm, check this out. It appears that there are a bunch of websites that have clues and puzzles about the movie…