Max’s Socks

Max's SocksHooray! I’ve been counting down the minutes til Max got home from his trip and found the birthday package I sent him. I’ve been reading Max’s site for nearly seven years now, from way back when he still had the old “Mr. Plow” domain. (I think this is the first official w-g mention.) Though we’ve never met in person, I’ve come to think of him as a really good friend. He’s always been super supportive of my schemes and ideas, and he’s introduced me to some great dance music. So I decided it was time to thank him! I sent off a secret e-mail to TheRealTimShady and luckily he was a fan of the idea. With his help (surreptitiously getting someone’s shoe size from overseas isn’t easy!), I cracked open Knitting Vintage Socks and whipped up a pair of “Gentleman’s Socks with Lozenge Pattern.” I used two balls of Sirdar Town & Country (with very little left over). Then I packed them into a box with a packet of Tim Tams and a selection of weird Australian candy bars. Unfortunately I was a bit off with my timing; the box made it to Atlanta before Max’s birthday, but he’d already left on a trip to New Mexico! So I had to keep mum about it til he got home. (Which – ask the Snook – isn’t easy. I’m terrible about surprises.) Today brought the happy news that Max is home, he got the package, and the socks fit him perfectly. So hooray! Happy belated birthday, Max.


5 responses to “Max’s Socks”

  1. Max

    They’re awesome! It’s like they were…well, like they were custom-made! I seriously love them, Kris–you’re too kind (and way more talented than I will ever be). What a great birthday gift!

  2. Max

    Oh, and that old site (that your “first mention” post links to) is just a remnant of some old Tripod “music fan blog” template from years ago–Tripod was cracking down on bloggers for copyright something or other, I think! Too funny! Were we ever really that young?

  3. Cool socks Kris! Glad Max likes them so. I take issue with the description of ‘weird Australian candy bars’! My beloved Cherry Ripe and Turkish Delights are ‘weird’? Well I never! 🙂

    OK, Milo bars are a little weird.

  4. Max

    Yeah, the Milo is stumping us, too!

  5. Okay, remember Ovaltine? Ovaltine is Milo. It’s a chocolate powder that you put in milk, and kids like it because it’s sweet, but they market it as being “healthy.” And then somebody got the brilliant idea to compress it into a bar and drench it in chocolate and just admit that it’s candy.