Tonks lives!



11 responses to “Tonks lives!”

  1. OMG! That’s fabulous!

  2. missfee

    love it love it love it

  3. The yellowness of my desk lamp makes it look a little orange. It really is a truly bubblegum pink!

  4. And I forgot! I must give all credit to the awesome staff at Partners Hair Workshop.

  5. Rachel

    Oh Kris I’m soooooo disappointed!

    Where’s the FUN? I mean if you can’t redecorate your bathroom whilst dying your hair pink, wassa point?

    Pink is the BEST colour for hair. it’s been a decade since my hair was pink, but maternity leave frees me from the corporate contraints of my life and, unless the last HP book inspires me otherwise (God, i can’t wait, the baby will have a pink haired momma.

    You look fabulous! Have a great trip on the train!

  6. SlythErin

    I love the pink, it’s marvellous. I can’t believe the train trip is so soon! In 36 hours we will have the book!Also, do you know how Draco-esque you look in that first moblog pic?

  7. Michelle


  8. Brittanie

    Costume or not, that pink hair always looks good on you.

  9. Bex

    YAY! Pink!

  10. Vanessa

    Yay! That’s MUCH more Tonks than movie-Tonks!