Sword of Destiny!

I’ll admit that when I read the headline “Magician injured in sword trick,” my first thought was of Gob Bluth. And now I have “The Final Countdown” stuck in my head…


4 responses to “Sword of Destiny!”

  1. I’ve made a huge mistake.

  2. Heh.

    Immediately after I posted this, I told the Snook that his new Husband Quest was to get me “The Final Countdown” as a midi ringtone for my crappy phone. And bless him, he did. 🙂

  3. Amy

    damn you! I’m going to be singing that for DAYS! (can you send me that ringtone?)

  4. Just sent it. I have to warn you though – this is a powerful ring tone. Just today my optometrist rang me to confirm my appointment, and I almost couldn’t answer because I WAS ROCKING OUT SO HARD.