Knit-In 2007

It’s a gathering of knitbloggers…

At the ABC Knit-In 2007

From left to right, that’s Bex, Lara, Anna, Fiona, and me. We had a lovely time knitting squares, and I even got interviewed for the evening news tonight. (I’ve set it to record.)


7 responses to “Knit-In 2007”

  1. Wow! What a great photo. Sorry I was still in bed and then at work. Next year, for sure.

  2. Anonymous

    Ga! I look horrible (as per usual). (I can never look good in a photo. I’ll try to tape the news.

  3. Opps. That was me. I thought I typed my name. – Anna

  4. Rachel

    Knitting in the morning is a receipe for dropped stitches and knotted wool.

    And I’d hate to look like a knitting goon if front of all the lovely ladies. Even if you were only knitting squares.

  5. Kate

    Glad to see the ‘pink’ side of Knitting was well represented – I was listening on the radio and checked out the webcam – which wasn’t webbing or camming. Looks like you’re having fun.

  6. Steph

    Just caught you on the tube

  7. Yep! Just saw it too. Man, what an unflattering camera angle. The Snook’s gonna convert it for the web for those who missed it.