
The interview went really well. (How well? On a scale of 1-10, I’d say about 10100.) Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and well wishes! I’m crossing my fingers now for an onsite interview.

Update: Onsite interview booked for Tuesday morning. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!Didja catch that? 😉


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  1. Excellent time 10^100!

  2. Hah. Took me a minute. Nice.


  3. They didn’t say not to blog about it, but I figured I’d be subtle. 🙂

  4. I see what you did there.

  5. I think i know who you mean anyway, but am not a math nerd so i dont get it!!!! 😉

  6. Is that the number I think it is.

  7. whoo-hoo. that rocks dude

  8. I totally don’t get it, and now you have me really curious!

  9. Wait!!! I just plugged that number into my favorite search engine and figured it out! Wow, that’s awesome!

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