Fifties Fair

My tea cosiesFinishing the Bryson book last week put me in the perfect mood for the Fifties Fair yesterday. The Snook and I caught the train to Turramurra and then the shuttle bus over to the Rose Seidler House. Luckily we’d followed advice and gotten there relatively early, so we didn’t have to wait long to get in. We ran into Morgan and some of the other Sydney photobloggers pretty quickly. After delivering the tea cosies to the Snook’s aunt’s stall (as pictured), we set off to see the sights. I’ve put a few photos up on Flickr. Yeah, there were a lot of dressed up hipsters. Some of the costumes were great, though a lot of the tats and hair colours were pretty anachronistic! We also met up with Amy and Bex (who has a sadly unflattering photo of yours truly here). I’m sure there’ll be more photos popping up soon…


4 responses to “Fifties Fair”

  1. I dont have very many happy memories of the fifties. I remember that decade as being very intolerant of difference, and I felt different. The sixties, now, they rocked. What I can remember of them 😉

  2. Bryson describes Des Moines as surprisingly tolerant, actually. If anything, the main distinction seemed to be one of class, not race or sexuality. (The kid who finally helped him get into the stripper tent was his gay friend.)

  3. I just realized that you posted your comment in relation to the Fair, M-H, not the book. Sorry about that.

    Yeah, I found it a little ironic that so many of the people dressing up seemed to be those in minorities that would have been discriminated against back then. Are they subverting the image or celebrating it? (Me, I’m just annoyed at the fact that for some girls, any invitation to wear a costume seems to be interpreted as an invitation to wear a SLUTTY costume. *sigh* It’s just a little sad and predictable.)

  4. Bex

    The proper and prim girl who won the Best Dressed (red outfit, red hat) is also known as Miss Latex, and is a Hellfire regular heheh…
    But yeah, subversion it is part of fun…. (slutty costumes? where? ;D)