Nicky Epstein!

Me and Nicky Epstein!Chrystalla burst into the office waving frantically.

Her: That knitting author… You know, the Epstein lady?!
Me: Who, Nicky Epstein? What about her?

And that’s how I met Nicky Epstein, famous author of books such as Knitting on the Edge and many more. She and her husband just got into Sydney yesterday, and Tapestry Craft was one of their first stops. They’re so nice! Nicky’s writing a new book on knitting in Australia and they’re doing research for it. Then she’s heading to Melbourne for the start of the 2007 Vogue Knitting tour of Australia and New Zealand, which she’s hosting. They’ll be back in Sydney in a couple weeks, so I suggested that we should host an event for them! Nicky gave me the PR contact details so hopefully we can set something up. I’ll let you know as soon as things are decided…


6 responses to “Nicky Epstein!”

  1. Bex


  2. O…M…G… I have every one of her books. (There is a fair bit of duplication in them but we won’t mention that now.) She’s writing a book on Aus knitting? Is there that much to write about? Does she know about Yarn Mag? Did you get her autograph?

    I think I need a little lie down.

  3. She autographed one of her books for us! I can’t decide whether to buy it myself or sell it in the shop. 🙂

  4. I hope I’m working next time, if she comes back. Bloody hell. I always miss out on the famous ones…

  5. Kris, hook us up! We NEED to meet her. Maybe she’ll do a special chapter on male knitters in Australia…

  6. I’ve heard back from the PR people, and we’re just trying to confirm the date/time with Nicky. Looks like it’ll be on Friday the 14th, probably around 3:30 or so. (Start planning your “dentist appointments” now, folks!)