Job News

Job News: As the girls at SnB know, the Company-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named rang me last night with the all important news. I’d been stressing all week to hear whether I’d been accepted or rejected. The reality, it seems, is neither. Sometime in the past week, they did some “internal restructuring” and decided that they don’t actually need a permanent person to do this job after all. They want a temp for a few months. For a wild second, I considered it. It would be a way to get my foot in the door, I guess. But then reality set in. “I can’t do it,” I said. It would seriously screw up any plans to buy a house, and it’s not really any kind of step forward career-wise. My HR contact admitted that she was expecting as much. HOWEVER, there’s another opening in the company that suits my skills, and I told her that I’m willing to switch tack and go for that one. She’s going to put me forward for it. Hopefully all the interviewing and work I’ve done will be applicable and I won’t have to start over at step 1. So all in all, it’s a strangely empty result, really. I didn’t get rejected; in fact, I got the impression that they definitely wanted me. It’s just that the position I was going for isn’t there anymore. We’ll see.


7 responses to “Job News”

  1. Bummer! Why do they go to all of the trouble of interviewing etc (which costs money, dude) and then decide not to appoint? It sounds like a fishing expedition… I hope that you can have a smooth ride through the next application.

  2. The glass half full answer is that any interviewing is always great practice; now you’re just more prepared for this next great opportunity! Good luck.

  3. Jason Young

    Along with Tricia, I’d add that at least they were upfront and honest about it, rather than hiring you then a few months down the road “letting you go”. Good luck with the new target!

  4. Good luck on the next go-round. Believe it or not, I’ve been in a similar position (though for less-awesome jobs 🙂 ) multiple times over the last twelve months or so, and as frustrating as “We really like you, but we don’t have a place for you (anymore)” is, it’s good practice and leads to good things.

    And, uh… it’s good for you if you have low blood pressure…?

  5. Amy

    damn…more waiting….
    but then again you did think that the other role was a bit of a step back for you.
    fingers crossed for this new gig

  6. Mark

    At least it’s not what happened to a friend, who applied for a job (internal promotion), was offered it, accepted, then told them she was pregnant. Suddenly they restructured and the position wasn’t going to exist any more.

  7. Yikes. She’d have legal grounds to contest that, wouldn’t she??