I don’t know what’s more annoying: that George Bush is arriving in Sydney tomorrow and can’t even spell the name of the city, or that John Howard laughed it off because “Americans are bad spellers.” I WON THE COUNTY SPELLING BEE, YOU CRAZY-EYEBROWED FOOL!
10 responses to “BAD SPELLERS?”
You did? How about that! DId you see the play “Putnam County Spelling Bee’ that’s just finished at Sydney Theatre? It was very funny. Hmmm, I wonder which character was you…?
Interestingly, the year that I won, my sister was also competing. I’d won the Bee at the junior high while she won in her final year at primary school. So out of nine spellers competing for the county title, two were from the same family. (TAKE THAT, JOHN HOWARD.)
I ended up placing fifth, I think, at the Regional Bee. (That’s the one where, if you win, they send you to the nationals like in the documentary “Spellbound.”) It was fair enough, considering that I didn’t actually study very hard for it. I just read a lot and I have a good memory.
Are you watching the kids on “Hotspell” on SBS? I do enjoy yelling out the letters before them while slugging back wine. I still got it.
But weren’t you competing against other Americans in those Bees? :p (Hehe, I’m just teasing you; I’m sure you’re a great speller.)
I really don’t understand why spelling is so difficult!! Learn Finnish, we have no spelling problems, all words are spelling as same as writing (ok, ONE exception ONLY). Everybody know how to spell, we don’t need a competitions. Easy language ๐ choice of future ๐
Actually, most of the other contestants were Amish. I mean, yeah, they’re Americans and all, but in terms of dedication to schoolwork, the Amish kids were to us like Asian kids are in more metropolitan areas. I’ll admit that my goal in the County Bee was not to win so much as not lose to any Amish girl, in defense of the principle that watching TV doesn’t make you any less awesome of a speller. ๐
I felt the same way when Marla Miller beat me in the ping pong tournament in 6th grade. I still say I was robbed!
Hahaha… I didn’t know the Amish played ping pong. It seems too energetic or something. You crazy Westview people!
Dear god, if GWB is representative of Americans, heaven help us. I got second place in my 4th grade spelling bee– choked on “meadow”. Guh! I was so annoyed with myself. I blame stage fright.
Another ex-competitive speller here. Won the county two years in a row (in Alabama, but still), placed somewhere in the top ten at state, then out in the first round because of stupid “erasable”, which I still say is just WRONG.
My freshman year roommate with whom I’m still friends won his state bee (Mississippi, but still) and was in Spellbound… for about two seconds.
And this is a surprise because…? LMAO sounds about right for Curious George and his lap-dog Honest John.