I’ve ranted about Victoria Hervey before, right? Well, she’s at it again. (Pissing me off, that is.) Apparently her trendy little Belgravia boutique was about to go under when it was rescued by a mystery backer. The resulting publicity means “Lady V” will be polluting the British media with her obnoxiousness for some time to come. Her shop – get this – “never orders more than two of any type of outfit, to minimise the chances of customers – who include Kate Moss, Jemma Kidd and Lili Dent-Brocklehurst – finding their clothes duplicated.” I’m glad that she’s, you know, providing such a service to mankind and all. *eye roll*
2 responses to “”
god, lady V. is so bloody boring, having no brains AT ALL(i once heard her saying that she loved LEONARDO DA VINCI’S “david” so much; and i am not making this up!!), and being far too skinny and “sunkissed” to be attractive(looking like a frustrated carrot)it’s sad her life is not more than showing off her dad’s money, it’s even more sad that we cannot seem to avoid her unispired face!!!all we can do is wait untill she gets to old to get into the “happening” clubs, and too wrinkly too get her picture in “Hello Mag”.
patience darlings…..
lotsolove Megan
Actually I thought she didn’t have any money, her dad having literally pissed away the family fortune. At any rate, let’s just never mention her again. I already get far too many hits from her “admirers.”