
Bah. I was all excited about NaNoReMo until he announced the chosen book: Catch-22. I HATE Catch-22. I had to read it in college and I swear I had to restart it about six times before I could muster the interest to plow through to the end. I guess I’ll sit this one out. (Besides, I’m in the middle of Middlesex and I’m loving it. Thanks again for the recommendation!)

10 thoughts on “Catch-22”

  1. I tried reading that for AP History in high school but quit about a third of the way in/. I’m usually uber-compulsive about finishing books, movies, etc. but it was senior year and there were boys to be crazy about… 😉

  2. I tried reading it once because my mother said she liked it. I never finished it.

    I should have learned not to trust my mother’s taste in books after Watership Down.

  3. meh. i thought it was OK, but I wasn’t too excited about any of the books on his list. Most of them I read in high school and I always prefer something new to something I’ve read before.

  4. Here’s another vote for the anti-Catch 22 crowd. It was the only book I had to read for high school that I hadn’t finished by the time we got around to studying it. I don’t think you can compare it to Douglas Adams – he was actually *funny*.

  5. I’ll stand up for it. (the book, maybe not the film) It’s a *satire*. Like Starship Troopers, and not unlike “Good Morning Baltimore”, The Colbert Report, Dr. Strangelove and others.

    It’s a comedy, you’re meant to be laughing your head off at it.

    Some people may mistake it for a regular sort of melodrama, in which case, you’re really not going to like it. It also helps to be somewhat familiar with a bit of WWII military history as well, else you’ll miss certain parts.

    I think it’s one of the top 5 novels I’ve ever read.

    That said though, at times it’s very subtle. I would definately not recommend it for anyone under the age of about 25.

    On a similar line, I liked “American Psycho” as well. If you were to tear out the 6 pages of extreme violence, you get a wonderful satire on 80’s New York culture. I think the 6 pages were just put in there by Ellis for shock value.

    As always, I could be wrong and am always open for debate on any of this.

  6. Oh, you did NOT just bring up the dreaded Starship Troopers. I have a fine sense of humour and satire. I agree with you on Colbert and Strangelove, sure. But I will never, NEVER agree that there is a single whit of intelligent satire – or humour for that matter – in the cinematic excrement that is Starship Troopers. You are comparing a book that many people think is one of the best of the 20th century (though I would argue NOT) with a “movie” whose biggest assets are Denise Richards and TITS.

    Well… I’ll concede the point for the Doogie Howser character. He was the only good part of that dreck.

  7. Starship Troopers: Book, yes, film, no. I had the unfortunate experience of seeing the film for the first time with an audience in Brisbane. But that’s another story.

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