Cynara Lives

I am a Level 10 Night Elf Druid.
Confession: I’ve been playing World of Warcraft. I know, I know. I tried it last year but didn’t get hooked. Rodd plays it all the time though and, well, I enjoy spending time with him. So when he recently griped about the lack of smart players in his guild group, I put my hand up and volunteered. So far I’m just playing once a week. (We refer to Thursdays as “Pew-Pew Night!”) We got our characters up to level 10 last night, which means that you can now see me on the online “armory”. No, I have no idea what any of that stuff means. I just let the Snook (aka Droso) lead me around so I can blast stuff. I told him my only requirement is that I don’t want to do anything insultingly girly, like be a healer or a cook or something. (Which is why my chick is learning “skinning.”) Oh, and her name is “Cynara,” which comes from that stupid book.


8 responses to “Cynara Lives”

  1. Oh man… bail and switch to Lord of the Rings Online before you get sucked in! 🙂 We’ve been converting our friends who were WOW faithfuls one at a time. Not that I’ve ever played WOW, I’ve been told that LOTRO is nicer.

  2. We’re a Windows-free household, so LOTR Online is out, sadly.

  3. Once a week? I think i could handle that. I’ve had my installer sitting here hidden a in a box but I’ve been a bit apprehensive about opening it after spending almost a year cold turkey…

    Horde or Alliance?

  4. I honestly have no idea. I think Night Elves are goodies, right? So Alliance, I guess. I don’t really get caught up in the whole “story,” mostly because I think the writing is ATROCIOUS. Those quest descriptions are just ridiculous. I just like blasting stuff.

  5. Welcome to the jungle, baby. You’re going to die! (I kid…I only say that because I’m Horde-side.) At any rate, be careful, ’cause WoW can be very, very addictive. Other than the raiding rogue, I’m also rocking a 70 mage, a 30 lock, a 20 pally, and a 15 druid.) Hey, what can I say? These days WoW is considerably more fulfilling than most anything I do in meatspace.

  6. I read some quote recently from a top female gamer who pointed out that, really, WoW is “90% shopping.” And it really is. I swear, the Snook spends more time in the auction house and looking up powerful “loots” to buy than he spends actually raiding. I’m not sure I care/want to get into that.

  7. I just installed WoW from the disk Rodos gave me, and about a hundred 500MB patches later I am tentatively dipping my toe in the WoW abyss.

    I’ll see you with my human priestess for some pew pew action.

  8. Okay, well, we play from about 8pm Thursday night Sydney time, if you can work that out. 🙂

    Lightbringer is the server, and we’re currently running around Darnassus…