DDOS attack update

For those who are interested, in the five days my site has been at my new web host, mod_security has successfully repelled 384,360 spam comment attacks on the site. That’s over 76,000 per day. And while I’ve done all I can to thwart them, I feel really powerless and frustrated by this. Whoever is doing this: YOU REALLY SUCK.


2 responses to “DDOS attack update”

  1. I don’t know if someone already suggested this, but it could be related to the subtitle of your site up at the top (I don’t want to say it lest I get blocked myself)– perhaps someone in that business with a similar URL wants your domain…

  2. Interesting theory. You’d think they’d have sent me a demand note, then. Otherwise not sure what they’d expect to get out of it. I’ve already renewed for a couple more years, I think, so they’d be sitting around for a while waiting for it to expire…