The Darjeeling Limited

Popcorn Taxi are promoting a special screening of The Darjeeling Limited. Personally, I’m not a huge Wes Anderson fan, but I know some of you are. And Jason Schwartzman – aka Max Fischer – is actually going to be there. Whaddaya think? Worth going?


3 responses to “The Darjeeling Limited”

  1. The Popcorn Taxi events are great. They usually include a film + Discussion session that is really informative and they have a good interview panel (that take turns) interviewing or leading the discussions.

    Filmink also have this as their December film of the month. So there must be a big push from the distributor to generate word of mouth in Australia.

  2. I’ve gone to a couple Popcorn Taxi events in the past. My hesitating on this one was solely due to the quirkiness of Wes Anderson movies, and whether I’d like it. I don’t remember it getting great reviews when it came out in the US. (Though even if it had, they were probably drowned out by “ZOMG OWEN WILSON SUICIDE!” articles.)

  3. I didn’t see The Darjeeling Limited, but it got mixed reviews in the US. The critics are starting to tire of Wes Anderson’s quirkiness, and the use of India as a setting was a little too “rich white people go to exotic land to find themselves” for some.
    That being said, the Popcorn Taxi even sound like fun, and I’d probably go.