Carrot Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting

Carrot Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese FrostingCarrot Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
The Snook mentioned the other night that the grocery store had some lovely carrots (which he was serving to me for dinner), which reminded me that I’ve had a hankering for come carrot cake lately. I made the mistake of saying that aloud at work yesterday… and promptly received about half a dozen requests for it. A cake is always hard to transport and dish up though, so I decided to go with cupcakes instead. A few websites mention that carrot cake can be a bit dense and heavy for cupcakes, so I found this recipe with a trick to avoid the problem. You “emulsify” the oil by pouring it into a running food processor (with egg and sugar). Sounds fancy, but was actually really easy. So I baked a dozen of them last night, and this morning I decorated them. We’re actually out of maple syrup at the moment (and Coles didn’t have any last night), so I used the hand mixer to beat a bit of maple flavouring along with a good scoop of brown sugar into a block of cream cheese. It tastes FANTASTIC. Then I sprinkled on some orange icing sugar (I have the biggest collection of Halloween-related baking paraphernalia outside the US) and then topped with a walnut half. I hope everybody likes them! (And I have to say, I’m really proud of my food porn photography. Hooray for the macro mode!)


6 responses to “Carrot Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting”

  1. Nicole

    ok now i want to come by tc and sniff them out. they look amazing!

  2. yum-o. I love carrot cake.

  3. Mmm. Cupcakes. You’re using your Baker’s Edge pan for cupcake transport! Great idea!

  4. Yeah, it worked great! High enough sides to keep the icing from getting squished, and the channels were close enough to keep them from sliding around. 🙂

  5. Yummmm…looks great

  6. cortney

    Those look delicious. I’m getting inspired to bake now!