Golden Compass Hat

Golden Compass Hat. Ahh, see, I was mentally trying to work out a pattern for this hat all through the movie Wednesday night. I’d arrived at pretty much the same idea this blogger uses, except I was debating the utility of adding a short row or two to create more of a point at the top.


12 responses to “Golden Compass Hat”

  1. That hat seemed surprisingly simple when I saw it. A lot of the knits did, now that I think about it.

    So what did you think of the movie? I’ve been keeping quiet about it for fear of spoiling it.

  2. I was all annoyed the first 15 minutes, because of all the dumb exposition and the plot changes from the original. And then I sorta just flipped a mental switch and decided to “forget” the books existed. After that I enjoyed it a lot! Not the greatest fantasy movie ever, but I think it does stand on its own. Lee Scoresby was effing awesome. Serafina Pekkala kicked ass. (In fact, I liked that everybody got to kick some ass.) Mrs Coulter was appropriately menacing. The CGI was great, with the exception of her monkey. (I just never bought it as a real animal.) So other than the UTTERLY RIDICULOUS ENDING, I really liked it.

  3. Oh please! That is a pixie hood. My mother made them for me – I remember the one she made in the school colours when I started primary school in 1956. Everyone’s mothers made them in the 1940s and 1950s. It is hilarious that they are suddenly cool! 🙂 Vintage patterns here:
    and here:

  4. Those are certainly cute, M-H, but I think the appeal for the one in the movie (for me) was the huge scale of the stitches and the way the cast-on edge rolled back. So yeah, a variation on a traditional theme, but an interesting one.

  5. Big stitches = short time to make = good return for costume department. 🙂 Mine had a seam up the back, too. I dont’ think anyone had thought of three-neele bind-off in those days. When I was about 10 they were the most naffest things you could wear. On the other hand, we wore woollen swimsuits that sagged to our knees when we left the water, so what did we know about naff? I remember my first cotton swimsuit – it was shirred down the front and had a skirt on it, like a little tutu. I’ll shut up now.

  6. aim

    yeah, blah blah blah, kris…I WANT ONE. whatever colors you got in your stash, please. 🙂

  7. Ooh, I’ve got some lovely white alpaca/wool. Very soft. Do you seriously want me to make you one? It wouldn’t take long.

  8. How odd is it that I thought of you when I saw that hat? I actually leaned over to Kim & commented on it. Somehow I knew you’d love it (maybe because I did). 🙂 Very cute.

  9. Speaking of, I would totally trade you some Little Debbies (of Yoder popcorn – I just had a flash back weekend) if you’re taking orders…

  10. I’ve learned to turn off the book-to-movie thing. I felt, ehh about it. My younger niece was confused as to some parts. She hasn’t read the books yet, she has to finish the last two HP books first she said. I think if I hadn’t known the plot, I may not have liked it as much.

    I agree about the CG. Awesome. Coulter’s monkey reminded me more of an Indian Jones-esque statue than a daemon. Of course maybe that was on purpose.

  11. Lovely hat. I wasn’t a big fan of the movie, but I thought the costumes/outfits were terrific. I want to steal Lyra’s outfits for daywear and Mrs. Coulter’s for formal occasions.

  12. aim

    seriously! am i going to have to compete with the cousin though? cause only i know your *favorite* kinds of little debbie… 🙂