
Boy, I haven’t done one of these in a long time, have I? After taking some time off during the whole “buying and moving house” thing, I’m back onto the running with a vengeance. As of today, it’s officially 18 weeks til the Sydney Half Marathon, and I’ve just completed my third week of training. I’m basing my efforts on Hal Higdon’s training plan. Since that’s a 12-week program, I’m using these extra weeks at the beginning to build up my fitness and ease myself into the routine. (I’m very wary of my troublesome left hamstring.) So far I’ve been taking it easy, using the Couch to 5K podcasts to structure my runs and keep me from pushing too hard. I’m happy to report that it’s working! Yesterday I did my longest run since the City 2 Surf: twenty minutes without a break. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it felt so great to be able to do it and not feel like I was injuring myself. I’m not even sore today! And I’ve got Max challenging me with the Nike+iPod, so the competitive angle is helping.

My only fear with regards to the actual race is the cutoff time. All runners have to make it through the first 11K in less than 70 minutes or you get diverted to the finish line on a shortcut and don’t get an official time. My goal, therefore, is to make this cutoff time. That’s totally doable, right? I’m just going to consider the 11K marker as my real finish line, and as long as I make the cutoff, I’ll be happy even if I have to walk the entire second half of the race.


9 responses to “RunningBlog”

  1. Good luck with your training! Sounds like you’ve got a great plan.

    That 70 minute 11K cutoff seems pretty restrictive; I’ve never seen a course limit that tight for a half. I’m sure you can do it, though.

    I went to the race website; it’s funny to read how differently things are phrased and structured from an American race. “Baggage pickup,” for example, (as opposed to clothing check) makes me think that runners are coming with large suitcases full of toiletries and business suits.

  2. My friend Kathryn just e-mailed with a link to her running group, who hold monthly 10K races around Sydney. They have a cutoff of 60min, so if I can do that, I should be all right for the big race. I might try to do the one two weeks before the half-marathon…

  3. Emma

    I’ve heard good things about this race. Just for comparison: the cut off for the Sydney Blackmores is 9km in 75 mins, and the Melbourne Half (October) is 11km in 80mins.

    Good luck!

  4. Damn. The Blackmores would definitely be easier, but it’s too far in the future to be a useful goal for me, I think. I’ll still run it if I survive the Sydney run though…

  5. Max

    Glad to be a tiny part of the training, Kris–our challenge has really motivated me to run, even on mornings where I am TOTALLY not feelin’ it, you know? You’ll do great and that cutoff time won’t even be an issue for you.

  6. I’ve noticed – you’re kicking my butt! 🙂 Time to start ramping up my distance a bit…

  7. JulieB

    I’m not sure if I shoudl thank you or not. I’ve downloaded that podcast and have run for the first time in months (as opposed to my standard leisurely morning stroll). Just what I need to either kill myself or get into shape? I’ll let you know in 9 weeks….

  8. It’s really good, isn’t it? I’ve been doing it for ages. I don’t necessarily progress every single week; sometimes I repeat until I start to get comfortable with the workout. I’ve only just gone to “week six” today!

  9. JulieB

    I’m sure it’ll be great, but my thighs aren’t thanking you today! We’ll see how I pull up after tomorrow’s run. I think I’ll be repeating weeks too, but I really need to kick the exercise up a notch and this should be a good way of doing it.