Art Viva Knitting Needles

Art Viva needleI had a surprise visit at the shop today from my friend Eva, who brought me a present from her recent trip home to Tasmania: some Art Viva knitting needles! They’re handmade from Tasmanian Oak. They’re beautiful and pointy and long, and they’ve got lovely bright red polka-dotted balls on top (that remind me of the mushrooms in Super Mario Brothers). I can’t wait to try them out. Thanks, Eva!


3 responses to “Art Viva Knitting Needles”

  1. eva

    wow that was quick! Maybe with those super mushrooms you’ll get extra boost to help you with those knitting projects 🙂

  2. Hahaha… Everybody’s blogging at work!

  3. ALison

    Oooo, I have a pair of those. They’re a touch rougher than bamboo when you first start using them, but they soon smooth out.