Scrapbooking is Evil

“A scrapbooking career in shreds.” Fascinating story, even though the stupid website won’t let me read the end of it. More details are over on Jezebel, including the oh-so-delicious quote: “I, seriously, was like the Lindsay Lohan of scrapbooking.” The knitting world hasn’t had a really juicy scandal since that whole Sew Fast So Easy SnB debacle a few years back…


8 responses to “Scrapbooking is Evil”

  1. Bex

    Thats really full on!

  2. Susan

    To read the end just click on the “print” icon. You’ll get, what I assume, is the entire article.

  3. Susan

    “Single page” works too.

  4. That’s so stupid. So they require you to login to see the version of the story that includes all their ads (which presumably they’re being paid for), but they give unrestricted access to the print version with no ads. Idiots.

  5. amy

    Yeah, but it’s still scrapbookings, one of the lowest forms of crafting

  6. Ah, but apparently if you take pictures of your dog and your feet, suddenly it’s SO EXPRESSIVE. 🙂

  7. I feel like this about scrapbooking too. But on Xmas day Sandra was away and my neighbour Karen asked me to have dinner with her family. Turned out they were ‘crafters’ – no knitting or crochet, but lots of scrapbooking, stamping, decoupage etc. Karen’s sister had made a scrapbook for Karen’s 50th birthday this year. It was really touching, and the pleasure that they got out of showing it to me made me feel quite humble. Also, Karen had made me an Xmas card on which she had embroidered a little bunch of flowers. I was embarrassed she hadgone to so much trouble – I don’t even send bought ones. So I’m trying not to sneer quite so much at scrapbooking as I did.

  8. I’m kinda torn about it a little too, M-H. On one hand, my dislike is mostly because it doesn’t seem too “creative” to buy a bunch of fancy stickers and hole punches and mimic an exact layout from a magazine. At the same time though, I think MAKING something is always a good thing, and people have to start somewhere. My aunt Deb is a scrapbooker, and she does it because it’s a fun way to jazz up her photo albums. I think that’s valid. She’s not trying to make a statement or claim that she’s an artiste or something.