
25 minutes, non-stop. At race pace. With hills. In the pouring rain. KRISTY FOR THE WIN.


6 responses to “RunningBlog”

  1. Max

    Awesome on all counts, Kris. Congrats!

  2. I must admit that I was using performance-enhancing drugs. I bought a copy of Jeff Galloway’s Women’s Guide to Running the other day and he talks about having a copy of coffee about an hour before you run. So today I tried it. PING! I was off. So I think that might have had something to do with my energy level… 🙂

  3. Good for you!

  4. Woo hoo! Isn’t that post-hard-workout-so-glad-I’m-done feeling amazing? This post is helping me get motivated to get out the door and do my long run for the week.

  5. It’s about 40 hours later and I’m still feeling a bit sore in my legs. Which is interesting, because I haven’t really had any soreness for the past few weeks. I guess that’s a sign that my long, push-myself run really was a bit of a challenge. I’m resting up in preparation for Week 7 of the Couch to 5K. Apparently this week is a little easier to allow us to recuperate. (This is a really great program, if anybody’s considering it.)

  6. Oh wait. Crap. I just looked it up, and apparently all our runs now are 25 minutes or longer. This is actually when it starts to get difficult. Strangely enough, I’m kind of looking forward to it. 🙂