Oscar Nominees

Well, this year’s Oscar nominees have been announced… which means that my Sixth Annual Oscar Contest will start this weekend! As usual, the prize will be a fabulous, one-of-a-kind hand-crafted sock monkey. (Have I got a brilliant one for you this year…)


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  1. I cant wait for next year – Sweeney Todd Sock Monkey!

  2. This year will be a Bob Dylan sock monkey.. surely?

  3. That was a definite idea, especially since I think I read somewhere that Cate Blanchett put a sock down her pants to play Bob. But no, not Dylan… 🙂

  4. wow can’t wait lol wait..sweeney todd sock monkey? lol

  5. Says you, Bex! You’ll obviously have to help with that one… (Although the idea of a sock monkey with its throat cut is oddly compelling.)

  6. A pregnant sock monkey would be quite funny… but a sock rat would win me over.

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