Homemade Samoas!

Homemade Samoas! Those look soooo good. And seeing as how we don’t have Girl Scout Cookies over here, those are pretty much the only way I’m gonna get any. I may have to try this. (Link courtesy of not martha.)

11 thoughts on “Homemade Samoas!”

  1. Oh sweet gourd… I wonder if they would cause me to go in a coma. Probably, but it would be a good trip!

    I think I would just make the topping. I’m a sucker for caramel and coconut.

  2. Ooh, that would be awesome, jackie! I don’t think the Snook has ever had Girl Scout cookies. I’ll email you later. 🙂

  3. And I’m having a hilarious mental image of miftik just eating caramel-coconut topping out of a bowl with a spoon. HA!

  4. I probably would if I didn’t have to worry about my blood sugar spiking.

    Whenever you come back to the states you must try to find the Samoas ice cream that Edy’s makes. Samoas cookies and fudge in caramel ice cream. They actually have an entire line of Girl Scouts ice cream.

  5. Guess who has a freezer full of that very ice cream miftik mentions? Your fat pregnant sister! (It’s limited edition…I didn’t want to run out!)

  6. We had gg biscuits in NZ too, but they were plain, kind of sweetish but certainly not topped, except by the gg symbol stamped on them. You couldn’t buy them anywhere except from the ggs visiting your house in one month a year and I used to love them.

  7. They’ve got several different varieties. There’s definitely a plain one with just the logo on top. (Or at least, there was back when I sold them in grade school.)

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