Another day, another picky eater question on MetaFilter. This time it’s somebody who’s looking for healthy recipes… but doesn’t like vegetables or meat. Man, that just makes me sad. What the hell are these people eating? (It reminds me of a chick I lived with in London, who refused to eat anything but pasta. She had it EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.) I remember being shocked while watching The Biggest Loser last week, when they had a “temptation” to see who’d eat various foods, and Rachel nearly gagged at the thought of eating bruschetta. Because it had fresh tomatoes on it. That’s the most pathetic thing about these people, in my opinion. They’re not eating good food. They’re just stuffing themselves with empty calories. Yeah, I’m still weighing in on the chunker side of the scale these days, but that’s because I can’t resist blue cheese and wine and risotto and steak. If you’re going to be fat, you should at least be fat from eating tasty stuff, not from stuffing your gob with the culinary equivalent of wallpaper paste.
6 responses to “Picky Eaters”
I don’t understand people who say they don’t like vegetables. There are bucketloads of different kind of vegetables, and guess what, THEY ALL TASTE DIFFERENT! That’s an awful lot of things not to like…
And suddenly I am reminded of Allison — how she found a map of every McDonald’s in London; how she had to ask us how to boil water so she could make pasta; how she only ate Oreo cookies and potato chips; how she got so upset when she ordered a Coke at a bar and they put a lemon in it. . . Where is she now?
Probably dead of scurvy.
I have to mention something about the tomatos – when I am a few kilos heavier i get reflux really bad, and tomatos set it off like you would not believe. I’m also not that fond of them either (but i’ll still eat ’em if I have to).
Maybe Rachel has the same problem?
(And yes, i’m just sticking up for her cos she’s a dyke – go fattie-boombah!) ;D
I liked the fattie-boombah at the beginning, but she’s really starting to get on my nerves! She should be kicking ass instead of whining all the time.