Oscar Contest is CLOSED!

The web-goddess Oscar Contest 2008 is now CLOSED for new entries! The awards show is about to begin. I’ll be updating scores as often as I can over the next few hours. You’ll be able to see how you’re doing on the results page. And remember to count the dead people for me! Thanks…

Update: And it’s all over! Congratulations to Gerald Granozio, who takes out the top prize this year. There was actually a five-way tie for first between Gerald, Brinton Callaghan, Jeremy Muir, Kevan Tucker, and Terry Rutherford, all of whom got 11 out of 12 correct. It came down to the dead-people tie-breaker then, which this year ended up being 43. Gerald guessed 42, just beating out Kevan who guessed 45. I think this was our closest contest ever! Thanks to everybody who entered.

Even later: Wow! It turns out that Gerald is a bit of a ringer. 🙂


11 responses to “Oscar Contest is CLOSED!”

  1. Good grief. This thing’s been on for an HOUR, and so far they’ve given out a single award? Ridiculous.

  2. Tilda Swinton? THAT’S thinned the ranks a bit.

  3. That’s exactly what I said when she won.

  4. Tilda Swinton AND Marion Cotillard.

    I am sucking this year.

  5. I knew you’d get sucked in by the Dylan movie… 🙂

  6. I feel bad for picking Atonement as Best Pic now. Might as well have followed my heart and gone NCOFM…

  7. Ditto on 43.

    I still can’t believe about Tilda Swinton. I JUST watched Michael Clayton, and although she was compelling, she wouldn’t have been my first or second choice.

  8. Thanks for counting, guys! You = THE BEST.

  9. Tilda Swinton and Marion Cotillard.
    Who would have picked that!!!!

    You can still see the flames where I crashed and burned!