Last night I joined Bex, Fin, and two of their friends at the Sydney Theater to catch the world premiere of Margaret Cho’s new show, “Beautiful.” It was AWESOME. I can remember when my Mom and I first discovered her in the early 90’s. We liked her because she was Korean, and because we’d never seen a smart, funny Korean on TV before. Her imitations of her mother had us in stitches. I knew that she’d gotten really popular in the last few years, but I had no idea that she’d become such an international gay icon. (She’s actually the grand marshal of this year’s parade.) Last night the packed audience consisted of 90% gay men, 9.9% lesbians… and me. The audience loved her. They couldn’t get enough. Most of the show was about sex, but she still threw in some hilarious Korean humour too. We didn’t stop laughing for more than an hour. She was fabulous, much tinier than I imagined, and she ended the show with a song (whose title I won’t repeat here, but which was stuck in my head for an hour). And then when we were standing around out front afterwards, Bex and I suddenly found ourselves talking to Mark Trevorrow (aka Bob Downe), an honest-to-goodness celebrity! He seemed really friendly.
4 responses to “Margaret Cho”
Dude! It was too much fun! Did you sing the song for Snook? hehe… I think Bob was a bit tanked = friendly hehe… BTW, Sadhana, the Indian girl we were with, is a producer on Mythbusters… more celebs?
NO. WAY. I wish you’d told me that at the time. I would’ve totally hit her up for Grant’s autograph!!!
Lol – sorry! I only remembered once I got home 🙁
The bam Bam and Celeste film had her doing her mum too, was v funny. Glad the night was so good (and v envious).