
Max wrote a very cute post about deliberately mispronouncing words. I commented with some that the Snook and I use often: “bzactly,” “saxamaphone,” “compyooto,” “mo cho cho,” etc. What are yours?


13 responses to “Bzactly.”

  1. We like to order “peppanoni” pizza and greet each other with “Heddo.” I’m sure there are plenty more.

  2. OH! I totally forgot “eh-oh!” That’s how the Tellytubbies say hello, and we say it ALL. THE. TIME.

  3. Pasghetti and mashed topatoes. I learned those from Tiny Toons.

  4. neek

    “alcomahol” and “edumacate”.. “hurro” for hello and a lot of lolcat. ๐Ÿ˜€ i can haz chokilit?

  5. Anyone for Dishlicking Waquid?

  6. I say “burshmeeto” for “burrito” and “nanabans” for “bananas” I don’t know why, exactly…

  7. I thought of two more that I saw: “bubonic vinegar” (for balsamic) and “cannelloni beans” (for cannellini).

  8. I’m another “alcomohol/edumacate/saxamophone/micromophone” persons.. Topatoes, Bsketti, lolcat, Hurro, Nanabas (bananas)… y’know.. the usual.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Rachel

    I say banananas does that count. And th saxamphone things too, isn’t it a Simpsons thing?

  10. we do this stuff a lot. here are a few off the top of my head: avomacado (avocado), hopsital (hospital), ambulope (ambulance), fajitas (as in, we intentionally pronounce the j instead of having it as a soft h sound), jalapenos (same thing, intentionally pronounce the j) and we sometimes call alexander ‘axelander’.

    my dad does this all the time with a bunch of stuff – he will call and ask if we want him to pick up bread for us from HBO (instead of saying HEB, the name of the grocery store), for example.

  11. also, lots of pronouncing words how they are actually spelt – cham-pag-ne (say all the letters), skizzers (scissors), wed-nes-day, musckles (muscles) etc. i think this is fairly common though?

    my sisters and i like hamburglers, and if something is crazy ridiculous, we’ll say it’s ridonkulous.

  12. hostipal (hospital), parcark (carpark), skizzorays (scissors), annymole (animal), blister (sister)

    and so many more……..

  13. Moire

    Canadia (Canada), Tarz-yay (Target), the -day in the days of the week become -dee, fuh-jita (fajita), so-sauge (sausage), metropolitan ice cream (instead of neopolitan), Kroger rhymes with the name Roger, pick-um-up truck, hur-ting (with almost a full stop between the hur and the ting — means lame or stupid), nuke-u-lur (nuclear), babby (baby), instain (insane), Skinemax (Cinemax), unpossible, Les Miserables is pronounced like an ignorant American would, Warshington (Washington), and numerous others I can’t think of.

    My sisters and I like to make fun of the antiquated words our grandparents use, like davenport and commode. And we often add s’s to words, making them plural or possessive at random.

    Example: Can you make me coffees? Give me back my internets. You’re a good puppy dogs!

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This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.