Well, I’m off to get a camera stuck down my throat again. Wish me luck.
Back later: Well, that was a bit anticlimactic. The biggest annoyance was that I had to wait a full 2.5 HOURS past my appointment time before I got in to see the doctor. (I sent the Snook home rather than have him sit in the waiting room all day.) I have no idea why the Inner West Endoscopy Centre was so backed up, but it really sucked. Especially since I had to fast beforehand, so it was nearly 20 hours before I was able to have a proper meal again. Anyway, they put a line in my arm and shot me up with the drugs. I was determined to really pay attention to the procedure this time, and I remember them starting to wheel my bed into the surgery. Instantly I was back in my little recovery cubicle, dozing on my side and waiting for the process to start. I finally lifted my head and asked when it was my turn. “You’re already done,” the nurse said. I missed it again! I don’t know what they gave me – GHB? – but man, I like that stuff. I wish I could take it at night to help me fall asleep. So I sat up and had some tea and cookies, and I SMSed the Snook to let him know I was done. By the time I was up and dressed, he was there to pick me up. We waited around to talk to the doctor… who basically admitted that they didn’t see much. There was apparently some slight damage below the duodenum, but it sounds like it was a lot less than last time. They took quite a lot of samples to biopsy so hopefully my doctor will be able to tell me more next week. As for now, I’m just going to eat and sleep and enjoy these last few hours before the sedation finally wears off (and my stomach starts hurting from all the poking around).
8 responses to “Endoscopy”
You have my sympathies, girl.
Are we hoping they find something?
Urk. Good luck, grrrl.
Ew, good luck and i hope its a minor and fixable thing they find 🙂
Hope your stomach feels better soon x
Aww…I hope that you feel better soon.
Ouch. Get well soon.
Off-topic, what’s with the chair-sniffing down under? That’s bizarre. At least stateside our pols only Heil Hitler’s b-day…
Hope you feel better!
(And re: the backed up comment – would have been funny if it was Inner West Colonoscopy Centre! LOL)
Heh. I forgot to mention that when I went to change into my hospital gown and get into bed, the nurse double-checked with me that I was “just” getting the endoscopy. “Whoops!” she said. “You won’t be needing that.” She then pulled out the big absorbent cotton mat she’d put over the mattress to protect the sheets. Yeah, lady, we’re only going DOWN, not UP.