Roll or pat?

Eileen is taking a poll about sweet corn butter application: Butter roll, yay or nay? I grew up in a “roll” household (where you roll the sweet corn on top of a stick of butter for maximum distribution, but which unfortunately causes a dent in the butter and renders it unfit for any other purpose). But now here in Australia I can’t find butter in long skinny sticks, so I find myself doing the pat. I weep for my youth.


5 responses to “Roll or pat?”

  1. I don’t know what a long skinny stick of butter looks like in the US, but you can buy rectangular cubey things of butter here “in the refrigerator section of your local supermarket” – maybe you cut off a thin bit down the long side to use as your butter rolling device!!

  2. Ooh, butter on sweet corn. I’m partial to the full on horizontal dip and turn in a container of warm and fully melted butter. We didn’t eat that much corn, so maybe we were just weird.

  3. You can get a block of (what I consider) cooking butter, and roll on that! Wrap it up and keep it for corn use only. But I’m a “brusher” – I get my pastry brush out and brush the butter on. The butter we buy is softened and quite spreadable, so it’s pretty easy.

  4. You can see a picture here, RoseRed. They’re a bit longer and skinnier than the Aussie ones.

    And Oh. My. God. Check out the Butter Boy! It’s like butter deodorant!

  5. I’ve always wondered about a stick of butter – one of those not very useful to foreigners ingredient directions!