Heroes DVD

Aussie Heroes fans: I was just about to order the Season 1 DVD from Amazon yesterday when I thought to check ezydvd first. Good thing I did! It comes out on Wednesday and they’re pre-selling it for less than AUD $40 (which is cheaper than Amazon). They’re also giving free domestic shipping.

Also, lately I’ve been obsessed with The 10th Wonder podcast. Definitely the best Heroes podcast out there…


2 responses to “Heroes DVD”

  1. It depends on how much you like the extras. Not always, but often, the US releases get more “features” than the Aussie DVD sets. Something to do with the different formats fitting more onto a DVD or something, but I know that the US versions of both Lost and NCIS always have more features. Just something to keep an eye out for!

  2. I checked that, and the list they’re showing matches up with the US version. There are little “TBC” notices though, which I assume mean “to be confirmed.” I guess I’m taking a bit of a punt that it’ll be the same…