Syrian Chicken

Syrian ChickenSyrian chicken with ginger, lemon and saffron
Wow, this was good. My friend Sharon sent me a link to the recipe last week. It uses a lot of spices and aromatics, but once you’ve done all the prep the actual cooking is pretty painless. I used four thigh cutlets and two drumsticks since I couldn’t be bothered cutting up a chicken myself. Other than that, I followed the recipe pretty much exactly. (Well, except for using an entire bunch of coriander at the end. I loooove coriander.) I served it on some couscous and ended up with enough for three more meals. Highly recommended for a cold winter’s night!


4 responses to “Syrian Chicken”

  1. looks deeeelish, but coriander? seriously? i don’t get coriander. it’s so…armpitty. gak!

  2. Whaaa–? I thought you liked everything! You eat all that crazy Singaporean food! Coriander is the best. I didn’t like it when I was a kid, but now I can’t get enough of it…

  3. i like *almost* everything. my two food dislikes: raw onions and coriander. oh, and i don’t get donuts either.

  4. hey you made it!

    just thinking of what to cook tonight…