Hundred Pushups

I am seriously, seriously thinking about doing the Hundred Push-ups Challenge. I can probably do, like, two proper push-ups.


8 responses to “Hundred Pushups”

  1. TOAST

    I’m sorry, but I have to say it:

    You can do TWO HUNDRED push-up…
    if you eat peanuts a lot.

  2. I… do not understand.

    I do eat peanuts. I eat peanut butter. I have no aversion to eating lots of peanuts. How will that make me more able to do push-ups??

  3. Max

    I cab do, like, 8. maybe. Let’s do this, Kris!

  4. Max

    That would be “CAN do”–and seriously, what’s up with the peanuts thing?

  5. Oooh, maybe I’ll try this, too.
    I can do like 4 push ups. It’s embarassing.

  6. Hey! I just started that a few days ago (yesterday was my day 2). I started at 15, but I’m intimidated by how fast the numbers increase after week 4.

  7. Rachel

    OK let’s do this…
    initial test, how low down do you have to drop for it to count as a “real” press-up? does my nose have to touch the floor?

    I also do not understand the peanut?

  8. I have found out the peanut reference. It’s apparently a lyric from Group X, which Toast and the Snook listen to at work. Silly boys.

    I looked up “proper” push-up form this morning and it says your elbows have to go to 90 degrees. Your hands are also supposed to be at chest height, just slightly wider than your shoulders (i.e. not wayyy out to the sides). Using proper form, then, I was BARELY able to do 2 in a row for the test. I suck.