Weekend Update

Weekend Update: What a difference a week makes. You know how sometimes you just fall into a rut? Last Sunday I told the Snook that I was feeling cross and frustrated. Sometimes we enable each other’s laziness a little too much, you know? And it was starting to get to me. This week, though, my mood went through the roof. It was like turning on a light switch. We spent time hanging out in the evenings (without automatically burying ourselves in Warcraft/knitting). We crossed off a lot of errands on our To Do list. We kept the house relatively clean. On Saturday afternoon, we went for a long walk to Newtown and back, and then headed to Broadway to buy a new DVD player (since ours died). Sunday I went for a long run and finished off a few knitting projects. It was… nice. It’s always a surprise to realise how much a difference simply deciding to be in a good mood can make. I feel rested and happy.

Although, part of me wonders how much of my good mood can be attributed to the sunshine. We had a week of fine weather and it certainly improved my outlook a lot. So maybe that was part of it.


3 responses to “Weekend Update”

  1. I am a big believer in the power of sunshine (and light) having endured 7 days in a rental property in the rain with no lights…It makes a world of difference.

    As does getting out of work during daylight hours!

  2. Wait, WoW makes me lazy? But I have 3 70’s! 🙁

    Seriously, tho’, I’ve actualy fallen out of WoW until WotLK comes out. My guild is busy working through Sunwell, but I dropped out after downing Illidan. There’s got to be better ways to spend 15-20 hours a week…dissertating, perhaps.

  3. Well, it’s lazy when there’s other stuff you should be doing. And it’s – well, emotionally lazy when two people spend every night absorbed in their own pursuits in front of the TV and do most of their talking over IM during the day. We just have this tendency to get wrapped in our own little obsessions and start taking each other for granted.