Mmmm, Decadent American Grocery Stores
So I’ve moved out of the swanky hotel downtown and into the staff apartment a few blocks from work. It’s pretty nice! Somehow it just feels a lot more relaxing to come back to a place with a kitchen and a couch. There’s a grocery store nearby so I headed over last night to get some supplies. Man, I forgot how amazing American grocery stores are. You guys just have no idea. I was walking around in a daze, like some Eastern European immigrant getting my first taste of capitalism. I’m pretty sure my jaw was open the whole time. And this wasn’t even, like, a Super Walmart or anything. It was just a normal grocery store. I was freaking out. Too. Many. Choices. Everything so cheap. It is both the pinnacle of American achievement and a symbol of its decadance. I love it.
So there I was, wandering around like a slack-jawed yokel, trying to concentrate on the few things I knew I needed: something for breakfast, toilet paper, laundry detergent. And as I walked the aisles, I had a sudden epiphany: Snookums is my dietary Jiminy Cricket. Without him to keep me in check, my impulse was to load up on junk. It took all the willpower I had to buy some actual decent food (I got ingredients to make spaghetti carbonara for dinner tonight)… and even so, I still walked out with Golden Grahams, Pop-Tarts, and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. *sigh* At least I managed to get in a good run on the treadmill and start to work off some of the inevitable calories.
2 responses to “Mmmm, Decadent American Grocery Stores”
Ben & Jerrys Pistachio, Mummm Want. Some. Now.
I went with the Chubby Hubby. I love that stuff.