6 thoughts on “Twilight”

  1. GOD. I did NOT need to see any of that. Of course I started peeking at all of the other Twilight vids on there….eeevil evil sister…

    (One of my favorite parts of any video is around 3:30 of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp-pXID0OdA&feature=related)

    I…kind of…LOVE Rob Pattinson.

    I’m burning through “Eclipse” right now, but it’s going slower than the first two. I have to make Dan take it away from me at night when I get sleepy, or else I know I’ll stay up until 3 am to finish it. Uggh.

  2. Cripes! That means you’re farther along than me. I haven’t even opened Eclipse yet (mostly because I know that when I do, it will suck my life away).

  3. Ah, welcome to the world I’ve lived in since May. Crack I say!!

    And Robert Pattinson is pretty dreamy. Smitten.

    I’m interested to hear your takes on the other 3 books.

  4. I’ll wait ’til Kris finishes (the race is on!) before I let loose with my thoughts on the whole series. But my Christmas Sneak reputation precedes me, because I already read a few spoilers that I shouldn’t have. I still don’t know the answer to the very major question of whether or not Edward changes Bella, so I guess that’s all that really matters.

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