If you’re an American living overseas and you haven’t registered to vote yet, you need to do it NOW. Deadlines are looming in a lot of states. And don’t feel stupid if you don’t know what to do. (I’ve had a couple emails from people asking about the process.) Go to the Federal Voting Assistance Program and check out their information for Absentee Voting for Overseas Citizens. Or if you want something even simpler, go to Vote From Abroad and follow their online wizard. It’ll generate a PDF for you to send in with all the relevant instructions. NOW GET GOING, THIS IS IMPORTANT!
3 responses to “Overseas Voting Deadlines”
but my vote counts in an obama ocean of chicago. too bad I can’t register with my parent’s address in FL – then i might actually get counted. That’s right – we learned in 2000 – postal votes are not actually counted…
If anyone who is reading this is registered to vote in Texas, and you want to fax your ballot, note that the fax number on the auto-generated cover sheet from Vote from Abroad is wrong – I did some searching and found another one which I hope is right! This number is on the instruction sheet, not the cover sheet: 713-755-4983
Great tip, Jen!