Wassup 2008. Okay, sorry Ron Howard, but I think this one just stole your thunder! The original “Wassssuuupp?” guys from the Budweiser ad reunite for a new one. I thought it was just funny at first… but the last ten seconds genuinely made me choke up. (Link courtesy of Waxy.org: Links.)
5 responses to “Wassup 2008”
Hmm, Let’s see. The guy in Iraq volunteered for his post, the guy outside was in the middle of a hurricane, the guy looking at his stocks invested poorly, the injured man hurt himself, and the original man lost his job. So I suppose GW Bush and John McCain told the first three to join the military, live in a city built below sea level and invest in questionable companies. Not sure how the other gentlemen lost their jobs or got hurt but that was Bush’s work, just to make sure they were kept down.
Good to know that in just three months the Iraq war will be over, hurricanes will no longer hit the Gulf Region and the economy will skyrocket upwards! As for the other two, I’m sure one will receive his medication and the other will be gainfully employed.
That’s the problem with liberal thought, it’s always about the easiest possible solution and quickest answer. I hope that when Obama fails he is held to the same standards, if only in the name of fairness.
Come on, Will. You don’t think there was any mishandling in the aftermath of Katrina? Yes, it was a little unfair to show the guy in the middle of the hurricane – FEMA wasn’t to blame for the weather. But I think most people recognized that it was a reference to how Katrina was handled, not the fact that some people choose to live in dangerous places.
As to your final thought… I completely agree with you. I’d just change the “when” to “if.” I’m an optimist like that. But if he does screw up, if he doesn’t delivery what he says he will, then it’s completely fair to call him on it. I don’t think anyone would say otherwise.
Going back to the ad, it’s all in the reading, isn’t it? Your reading is that the guy in Iraq shouldn’t be complaining because he volunteered to be there. But to someone else, it might be obvious that he’s complaining about not having the proper safety equipment. (“… watchin’ my ass!”) And the injured guy… Don’t you think it’s possible that it’s a reference to him not having health care? The stock market – there are a lot of people who’ve had their pensions wiped out. Not everyone with an interest in the stock market is a day trader. So sometimes it’s not about “picking bad stocks.”
I mean, the Aussie dollar has fallen from just about one US dollar three months ago to sixty cents. This means that to pay my student loan – which is in US dollars – it suddenly costs me nearly twice as much. I didn’t have anything to do with the dollar falling, but I’m sure affected by it! And yeah, I might blame those that had their hands on the tiller of the economy for the past eight years…
“…those that had their hands on the tiller of the economy for the past eight years…”
How about the last two years of the Pelosi Congress? Do they have anything to do with the economy? The stock market was at 12,500 when they took over and now is at 8,200. So that is all Bush’s fault?
Instead of complaining about exchange rates you should try paying off your student loans. You should also acknowledge that global markets fluctuate and that is PART OF THE RISK. Don’t blame one man or one party (who hasn’t created one law in 2 years) for your predicament.
“I didn’t have anything to do with the dollar falling…”
Typical liberal failing to accept or acknowledge responsibility for their actions. But yeah, blame Bush, it’s easier that way. Or better yet, start earning wages in a currency that holds up better against the dollar… may I suggest moving to France?
STRAW MAN! I’ve been paying off my student loans for ten years now. I’ve paid more than $20K on them. I’ve still got another $10K to go. (And let’s not even get in to the cost of an American education.) I could’ve just defaulted since I don’t live there anymore, but I didn’t. So don’t try to insinuate that I’m somehow trying to get out of them.
I can just as easily write off your entire comment as a typical conservative attempt to avoid any responsibility by blaming the liberal boogeyman. Ooh, and a reference to France! I am stunned by your original wit.
See how easy it is to throw meaningless snark around?
Will, I’m getting the impression that you just like arguing. You never bring any facts to the table beyond sneering personal attacks. And that’s fine on a political site where everybody expects that sort of behavior, but it’s not really the sort of thing I want to read on my personal site. So if it’s all right with you, I’m going to draw a line here. If you (or anyone else) wants to debate politics in terms of actual stated positions and facts, great. But if all you’ve got is talking points and mindless attacks, I’d rather you take it elsewhere.