It’s over! It really happened! And WHOA, Obama is suddenly AHEAD IN INDIANA. I’m starting to get teary.
Three hours later: Good grief. Still waiting on final results from Indiana. But with more than 99% reported… we’ve so got it. I’m so proud. I have to call my Grandma.
Five hours later: Well, CNN may not have called it, but did. INDIANA GOES DEMOCRAFT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 44 YEARS! I wouldn’t have guessed it at all. I was telling people all day that I considered it a moral victory just that it wasn’t a blowout. (After all, Bush did carry the state by 20 points in 2004.) I’m so happy to be wrong, and I’m so, so proud to have been part of this. It would’ve been easy not to bother this year. It was tempting to say, “My vote won’t count anyway.” The cynical voice in my head told me that absentee ballots are rarely matter. But you know what? 23,000 of us Hoosiers made the difference. We did it. Way to go, everybody! Somewhere my great-grandpa Tony is smiling.
16 responses to “IT’S OVER!”
There are few of us in the office doing little dance of joy 🙂 Congragulations
Oh joyous day! This is so awesome!
And everywhere I have family voted blue! Including FLORIDA!
I’m still watching Indiana. We’re still ahead. I’m going to puke!
Wonderful day! Congratulations on doing your bit for your other country.
So many people in Indiana are happy to have their vote count for the first time in their lifetime.
CBS, NBC and the Associated Press are calling it – Obama wins the state of Indiana. Congratulations.
CNN’s still showing it as undecided!
AWESOME!And congratulations, Hoosiers! Those blue states popping up in the middle of the country warm my heart- not only because they agree with me, but because I thought that the stark dichotomy of the coasts vs. heartland that we saw in 2004 was bad for the country.
I cried like crazy, man. What a night. I’ve never been so proud to be a Hoosier.
Very nicely done. 🙂
WoW! I just saw how close the result was. Well done and thanks for voting Kris, it shows every vote does count.
Have a few beers on me. I said a few … not the whole keg!!!
I have to point out one thing that surprised me…I’m not sure how stark the dichotomy truly is, though, Eileen. CA looks all blue on the nationwide map, but when you break it up by county, check out what it looks like:,0,1293859.htmlstory
Truly, coastal. Nearly 40% red. And look at some of the more controversial propositions (1A, 4 and 8 come to mind) and you’ll see the trend continues. Move a little inland and you’re in conservative country.
I wonder if there is a similar phenomenon in the Pac Northwest and east coast states…or if it’s just a coincidence, because our largest, most liberal cities (LA, SF) happen to be coastal, and the farmers, etc. are inland? Anyway.
I don’t think it’s coastal versus inland or even Red State versus Blue State. It’s City versus Country. Look at Indiana. Which counties carried Obama? The ones with the big cities or universities.
The other big divide is generational. Apparently a lot of the Proposition H8 supporters were old people. They’ll die off. Young people support equal rights for their friends and family. The old conservatives can only delay the inevitable.
Maybe before the old conservatives die off the young people will grow up and learn real values and just replace them. Just a thought, Im sure you’ll disagree however.
The old generations thought interracial marriage was a bad idea. They also liked slavery and child labour and Prohibition. I honestly believe that humanity is getting better. The march is always towards giving more rights. Traditionalists can’t stop it. You’re either going to have to learn to accept it, or you’re going to be one frustrated old man.