Keith Olbermann on Prop 8

Keith Olbermann talks about Proposition 8. He admits that he doesn’t have a horse in this race; he’s not gay, nor is anyone close to him. I thought it was fascinating. He’s such a great speaker. I mean, yeah, it’s fun when he goes off on a righteous rant, but that’s not what this is. For him, it’s all about love.


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  1. Obama’s hateful, discriminatory ass should watch that… nice post!

  2. I’m trying to have faith, Kel. Part of me wants to believe that Obama supports equal rights for gays, but that he couldn’t say it without ruining his chances in the election. I wish he had though. (Kinda like I also wish he’d been able to say, “So what if I were a Muslim? What does it matter?” But that would have been political suicide too.)

    But I get the anger. I’ve been watching news reports of the protests in LA. I know what this means to people, and I’m sorry I can’t do more than try to change a few minds via a silly little weblog.

  3. that’s the funniest thing… how are people of other religions able to get married here if it’s a religious semantic thing. how are athiests able to get married. obama’s argument is BS. and it hate to say it… black + christian = anti-gay. obama is anti-gay mariage. he’s said it time and time again. it KILLS me that so many gays in the us think obama is like the messiah or something. i wonder if they know anything about his stance on their rights… obviously he was a better choice than mccain, but it’s like so many liberals are worshipping him. i’m SO not…

  4. p.s. i’m drunk 😉 love and missed your blog!

  5. Kel- I’m with you, I hate the fact that Obama is against gay marriage. I wish he could be a little more like Ted Kennedy on the issue.

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