A Room With a… WHAT?
I just watched A Room With a View, the recent TV version that I recorded last weekend. I was prepared for it to suck compared to the Merchant Ivory production, but I was pleasantly surprised! It was less arty, but I think the story was simpler to follow. I really, really liked Rafe Spall as George Emerson. (I didn’t think anybody could top Julian Sands, but I think I prefer this earthier, sexier George.) But wait – did they insinuate that both Mr. Beebe and Cecil were gay? I could’ve gone along with that departure from the book… until the surprise ending. WHAT. THE HELL. George dies on the battlefield? Right after we see them triumphantly getting it on in front of the view of the Arno? And the final scene is her in the field with the carriage driver? That was the weirdest thing ever. Weird and depressing.
7 responses to “A Room With a View”
that’s just what I watch – and I am crying now – really sad ending and not quite as good as the last one. Love the unmarring type of men – and Mr Bebe eyeing off the boys at the pond!!!
She was a bit weird though…
The version of Room with a view that I read as a teen (after seeing the Merchant Ivory production, I had a crush on Ruperts Graves…) included the epilogue that Forester wrote years later, that’s where the final scenes came from. George dies and Fredd becomes a prolific doctor, or some such. Wish I had never read it, I wanted them to be young and in love forever…
Mr Beebe and Cecil were gay – that was clear from the Forster novel, although of course very subtly written for the times. Have you seen or read Maurice? That’s Forster’s only openly gay novel, and it wasn’t published until after his death. That’s really sad. I have the DVD (somewhere!)
The ’86 Merchant Ivory is one of my very very favorite movies, prompted me to read and looove the book, and that being said, I think this version BLEEEEEWWWWWWW. It was on here like a year ago. Blew! Doesn’t compare! Go Helena! Go Julian! Go Denholm Elliot!
And that’s funny, Rachel – I’ve read the same epilogue and also SO wish I never had!
Hm. I read the book, but I didn’t pick up on the gay themes. Of course, that may be because I just chalked it up to the mental association with Simon Callow and thus figured I was imagining things. But I honestly didn’t peg Cecil as gay, merely really really uptight.
And seriously, that ending came from an official epilogue? No way! I’m glad I didn’t get that ending in my version. I’m happier to think of them as young and in love forever.
It’s even worse than you think! There’s a terrible terrible part in the epilogue that I’m NOT EVEN TELLING! Rachel, don’t tell! I’ll take it to my grave! I’ll protect you from it,
But I’m not above teasing you with the info that it exists.
Thanks. I think I’m happier not knowing what it is!