It was grey and horrible the whole time. Do I need to say more? Friday started promising with beers and Japanese food after work, but I was dreading Saturday morning. I had to go to the Knitters’ Guild Executive Committee meeting and give a report on the state of the website. Which isn’t too bad in and of itself, but I knew that there was also going to be quite a bit of discussion about the Ravelry Incident. (Basically, two weeks ago somebody started a discussion thread on Ravelry to air some gripes about the Guild. The Guild didn’t like this AT ALL. The first rule of Knitting Guild is you do not talk about Knitting Guild. Seriously. The whole thing blew up into this huge scandal with the non-Internet using folks feeling very attacked and defensive towards those Ravelry people.) And since I was going to be there, I knew the chances were good that I’d end up trying to defend The Entire Internet to a bunch of aggrieved old ladies. I wasn’t wrong. After three hours of that – I wish I were joking – I headed off to Newtown for SSK. Ahhh, to be around people who get it. That was a nice time. Sunday morning I got up early to head to IKEA with Miss Jane. I’m proud to say I was quite restrained. I got a lazy susan for the pantry, a coat rack for the entry hall, and another Benno to hold our DVDs. (Of course, I haven’t put any of it together yet.) After getting home, I came down with a wicked sinus headache that’s been kicking my butt ever since. My nose is relatively clear but somehow there’s still pressure making me feel nauseous. Standing in the shower clears it momentarily, but I can’t do that 24-7. Any suggestions?
6 responses to “Weekend Update”
Peppermint Oil, Sage Oil and Thyme Oil in an oil burner helps my Sinusitus no end.
Failing an oil burner I have warmed it up to create a similar effect using a tissue and the hard drive of my computer at work (Seriously it works).
If you are not a fan of the sage & thyme the lavendar will take the edge of the peppermint.
Oh and a couple of drops on a tissue stuck in your pillow slip near where your head is will stop you waking up with a sinus headache.
Easy on the Peppermint Oil it is very very strong.
The peppermint oil clears the sinuses with the Thyme and Sage soothing the sting. (Or the lavendar).
i know this could sound a little icky, i do it and it works. have you tried a neti pot? or something similar? They sell them at life organics in newtown
(no im not affiliated with them, i just have had sinus problems for years and this helps, its not a cure but it definetely helps)
Kris, I use inhalations of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of very hot water with a towel to create a kind of tent over my head and the bowl. The Euc oil alone is rather harsh, but I found some in a pharmacy in Newtown that is much gentler – I think it has lavendar in it as well. You breathe it in slowly through the nose.
The other thing that I swear by is saline spray up the nose with your head on one side. You buy it from the pharmacy – brand is Fess. There is a stronger one that comes in a spray can rather than in a plastic bottle and I find that really good. It trickles right down into the eustachian tubes and it’s not that comfortable, but it clears out the muck and you feel much better.
Thanks for the suggestions. The funny thing is, my actual nose is clear. I can breathe quite easily and I can still smell. (When I’ve had sinus infections in the past, neither of those have been true.) But walking to the train this morning, I could feel the pressure again. It’s almost *behind* my nose, in the area around my eyes and cheekbones. Like, I feel I want to push on my nose to somehow relieve the pressure. So I’m not sure if spray would make it all the way up in there. I’m thinking in inhalant, maybe?
Peppermint and/or Euc oil mixed with lavendar should ease some of the associated pain as well.
I usually stuff myself with uber hot tea, drinking slowly and inhaling as I go. The type of tea doesn’t matter, but I find chai works best.