From Wikipedia:
From the moment he wakes up with gum in his hair, things just do not go Alexander’s way. At breakfast, Alexander’s brothers Nick and Anthony reach into their cereal boxes and pull out amazing prizes, while all Alexander ends up with is . . . cereal. His teacher doesn’t like his drawing of an invisible castle, he loses his yo-yo, there is no dessert in his lunch, the dentist tells him he has a cavity, there is kissing on TV, and he has to wear his railroad train pajamas (he hates his railroad train pajamas). No wonder Alexander wants to move to Australia! The book ends with his mother’s assurance that everyone has bad days, even people who live in Australia.
Even people who live in Australia. Indeed.
4 responses to “Bad Day.”
My mom blames this book for me moving to Australia. She read it to me when i was young. I think we have a copy.
Oh thank god. I saw your comment in the sidebar and thought you referring to the “Where babies come from” book!
We refer to this book all of the time whenever anyone is cranky. I’d forgotten about the Australia line.
I must get this book for my Alexander!