How Babies Are Made

How babies are made… in Germany. HOLY COW. (Probably not safe for work, by the way, even though it’s apparently an actual children’s book.) I still remember just enough German to follow the text. And, um, I just learned a lot of words that I never learned in high school Deutsch.


5 responses to “How Babies Are Made”

  1. That’s just scary! I mean.. that baby comin’ out was all like “WAHOO I’M HERE, PARTY TIME” … :S Kinda makes me glad I had a C-sect.. LOL

  2. Um, wow. I’m really glad we don’t have the German’s take on ‘Everybody Poops.’

  3. SlythErin

    I used to have a book pretty much the same as that when I was a kid…but not in German. My parents bought it for us at one of those primary school sex ed evenings of sheer embarrassment.

    Mine didn’t have the kid waving his arms about as he is emerging from his mother, though. That’s a bit creepy.

  4. Rachel

    My cousins had this book, I read it when I was about 6 or 8 in English. Certainly was an eye opener…

  5. We had one, I remember, but ours started out with chickens, then progressed to puppies, and then humans. But it definitely wasn’t so graphic!