We were idly watching The Return of the King yesterday while doing other things – me, knitting; Rodd, gaming – when I had a jolt of recognition. “Wait! Stop! Rewind!” I said. “That elf… looks strangely familiar.” We watched the sequence again. “Is that Bret from Flight of the Conchords??” It was! It’s the bit where Arwen is leaving for the Grey Havens and has a vision of her and Aragorn’s child. Bret’s the Elf Escort who tries to get her moving again. I am oddly proud of having noticed that.
4 responses to “Bret the Elf”
You mean, you’ve just discovered FIGWIT?!?
We know who Figwit is now? Hurrah!
OH MAN! I should’ve realized somebody else would’ve gotten to it before me. 🙂
Also… his father played Elendil. I’m guessing that’s how he got a part in it.