32cm Soft Serve?

Holy crap! Smile Korea Mart on George Street sells a 32cm soft serve ice cream cone. (That’s a FOOT-LONG to those of you on the old system.) I think I might have to come home via the city tonight…

Edited to add: OH, I DID IT!

Footlong soft serve

My friend Nina and I couldn’t resist. Guess how much for this monstrosity? $2.70. THAT’S NOTHIN’. The little girl at the stand was amused by our enthusiasm. “We saw you on the Internet today,” we said. I got the chocolate/strawberry twist. I ended up with it all over my shirt. It was so very, very worth it.



8 responses

  1. That’s quite obscene. How on earth will you eat it without looking like a porn star?

  2. Who cares? A FOOT OF ICE CREAM, DUDE. Looking ridiculous is a very small price to pay. 🙂

  3. Holy crap! Bring it!

  4. Actually it was pretty easy to finish – Kris, you finished yours, right?

  5. Yeah, that looks pretty NSFW.

    And doesn’t soft serve have pig fat in it, anyway? (http://www.google.com/search?q=soft+serve+pig+fat)

  6. Aw, you look like a little kid in that photo- must be the ice cream cone effect.

  7. Delicious pig fat. I don’t care!

  8. mmm… phallic!