Why the heck am I getting a Depo-Provera shot every three months when I could just play the didgeridoo? (Look, I’m all for respecting traditional culture. But I walked through Circular Quay Sunday morning and a crowd of tourists was gathered around a 12-year-old white girl playing a didge, and I didn’t see any tribal leaders standing there cursing her to a life of barrenness. Leave Nicole alone.)
2 responses to “Didgeridoo infertility”
My wife says you should avoid the Depo shot. She used it for ~6 yrs and has experienced considerable bone density loss (23%). From fda.gov:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today that a “black box” warning, highlighting prolonged use may result in the loss of bone density, will be added to the labeling of Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection, an established injectable drug approved for use in women to prevent pregnancy.
Dude, it’s cool. I’ve been on it 8 years, I’ve taken a break in the middle, and I do regular weight-bearing exercise. I bring it up with my doctor every year (I did today, in fact) and he’s got no problem with me staying on it. I know a lot of other women have had issues with it, but it’s always been pretty good for me.