Laid off.

Laid off
Well, at least you can all officially say that you now know someone who was a victim of the economic down-turn. Anybody have any good job leads?

28 thoughts on “Laid off.”

  1. That sucks big time 🙁 On your questions, . I got my job through them (their office used to literally be next door to where I work, they changed levels a couple of years ago). I spoke to a couple of the guys who worked there and they are looking for people to fill their IT positions at the moment… ie the jobs are there… no one is looking.. Good luck on the hunt..


    These guys have a lot of jobs in the digital space. Don’t look at their website, call or email them for the latest positions.

  3. Thank you to everybody, and especially the ones with job leads. I will chase them up tomorrow. (I’ve had far too much beer today.) If nothing else, it’s very humbling/nice to know that your friends are so willing to look out for you…

  4. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    still recovering from a fraction of the plonk you had. Good luck and we will find you a job – you are too damn good to be unemployed for too long.

    You could call it a tax minimising break or a holiday instead

  5. Argh! That sucks! I like MissFee’s suggestion that you call it an ‘unscheduled holiday’. I’m sending as much job finding mojo as I can.

  6. I am so sorry. What scrouges to lay you off right before Christmas. I’m sure you’ll find something else — you are a smart and talented woman!

  7. unscheduled holidays like these suck as you dont usually have the money to enjoy due to the unscheduling!! grrr, very sorry to hear about this Kris. I agree with Lynnett you are a smart and talented woman and Im willing to take bets that you will be employed by the end of janury 2009 🙂

  8. To be honest, I think it sucks a lot more for the people who got axed in our American office. As far as I know, US law only requires paying out for two weeks’ notice. If I only had two weeks to find a job – at Christmas! – I’d be panicking. Instead I got four weeks’ notice along with my accrued vacation time and whatnot, which means I basically have 7 weeks paid time to find another job. So I’m not too worried just yet.

  9. Bummer…It makes no sense…why didn’t they do the lay offs before moving you all to the new offices? They must have had to do sudden downsizing…

  10. Really sorry to hear it Kris. You’re a wonder child though so something will come along soon for you!

  11. 7 weeks will see you and a brand new job! It really sucks that they couldn’t wait until the new year, but I guess it’s US financial year end isn’t it?
    How disappointing for you! But as everyone else has already said, you area very talented girl. Why not contact Google and see if they have anything for the New Year? Best of Luck, and have a great holiday!

  12. That’s horrible news. How long have you been with them? If I recall correctly, you’ve been there a while, or is this a new company? Soory, every so often, my past life as a lawyer comes back to haunt me…

  13. Arg, that’s not good. Sorry to hear about the job loss. 🙁

    If it’s any consolation, I know several folks in and around NYC who’ve also been downsized of late. So you’re not alone by any means.

    And, hey, onward and upward. I’m sure the next gig will be a better fit for ya anyways. 🙂

  14. I’m sorry, Paaen. That BLOWS. You are a genius genius genius and anybody would be lucky to have you working for them. STUPID MONEY! It’s the only reason we have to have JOBS at all! Stupid jobs.

  15. Sorry about that, Kris! Unfortunately, I know more victims of the downturn than I know leads right now. Hopefully, things will turn around soon.

  16. Hi Ingrid – about 8.5 months? Which is only slightly longer than my contracted “trial period”, so thank goodness for that. I’m guessing if this had happened two months ago, they wouldn’t need to pay me any notice at all.

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